Sunday, July 08, 2007

Good afternoon from Kenya!

This morning, Bri, Julius, Edna and I all went to church. It wasn't anything I've ever experienced. The joy, the beauty, the excitement was amazing. And it wasn't in a building, it was in a tent. But somehow they had a screen in there. It reminded me a little of Axis.

After eating my first full meal in Kenya (the food isn't terrible, but I won't lie, I miss illegal petes, and just normal food and ice) we wandered around a market where I was picking up ideas for gifts. Now we are checking email and going back to rest soon. Today really has been a day of rest, which is good in light of tomorrow.

Tomorrow we start working. There is a little bit of fear out of the language barrier. There is a fear that I won't be enough, and I know I'm not enough, but still if I'm the only person this year playing with these kids and loving on them, i want to give it my all.

Come back tomorrow and see how it can only guess.


Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Megs! I almost started crying when I read your comments from 7/7. I believe your love will be enough, more than you think, my friend!


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! Off to a good start - glad to hear it! I'll be checking back soon. I hope tomorrow goes great with the kiddos ... I have no doubt it will!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful caring,empathic woman I have raised you have made me proud. Of course, you always make me proud. Let your love flow. Mom